
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Stark Tower Studies

I did about 20 of this studies! The building looks great in the movie :)


  1. These studies are beautiful. I like how you can do so many different options so quickly. You would have made an amazing architect!!!

  2. Great use of color. The image of the twisted tower would have been a real game changer since it's so different from the original building.

  3. 혹시 한국인이세요? 영화 보고 스타크 타워 진짜 멋지다고 생각했었는데 한국인이 디자인했다니 왠지 뿌듯하네요~~! 다른 디자인도 멋집니다~!

  4. The third version shown here puts me in mind of visuals I've seen of the "crystal" additions to the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) in the Toronto Star. Haven't seen the ROM in person yet, mind you, so the comparison may be more specious than I believe right now.
